Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Participation In Occupation II Blog 14 Ambience in Work

The previous blogs concentrated on affordance in activity and ambience is one of the last frameworks I will write about. This is my last blog entry and will discuss the attributes I find important when doing Jewellery Making as an occupation.

External Environment – The setting must be appropriate and suited to the individual and the task/activity. I find that when performing jewellery making I like a consistent temperature that is comfortable, serene, it supports my needs well and plenty of room to spread out my tools. The physical component of my environment is very important as it relates to how long I will perform my chosen task. Location: It is important as to where I am doing my activity in the home, community group, Clinical Situation, lighting, temperature, mood, individual fit to the activity and vice versa. Location can determine whether or not I engage in my activity properly and don't get distracted by other people or goings on. But I also like to be social and possibly do a group activity and get ideas from others. Values: To put value on something is not any easy task, as every one values different things in life. My own values consist of time management while doing my Jewellery making, I also look at the energy I put into every peice, if it is not exactly how I want it I will breal it down and start again. I am pedantic to a degree, a perfectionist some might say.

References and Notes:

Arendt, H. (1958). The Human condition. New York, Doubleday Anchor Books. in Butler, M. 2011, lecture notes on Work, in Participation in Occupation 2 (BT238001)

Jonsson, H., & Josephsson, S. (2005). Occupation and meaning. In H. Christiansen, C. M. Baum, and J. Bass-Haugen (eds.) , Occupational therapy: Performance, participation, and wellbeing (3rd ed.). Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated.
Geis, Karl E. (1987). A book of twelve winds. London: Paul H. Crompton Ltd. In Butler, M. 2011, readings book on Craft week 39, in Participation in Occupation 2 (BT238001)

Stone, G. V. M. (2005). Personal and environmental influences on occupations. In C.H. Christiansen, C. M. Baum, and J. Bass-Haugen (eds.), Occupational therapy: Performance, participation, and wellbeing (3rd ed.). Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated.

Vaughn, Jone, S. (1999). Knitting. Occupation, 7(1). In Butler, M. 2011, readings book on Craft week 39, in Participation in Occupation 2 (BT238001)
The bone art place. (2008). Jade twist. Retrieved from

Blog Comments on Student Blogs Record:
1. Izabela Circa, Affordance continued, Sunday 25th September 2011.
2. Heather Lowen, Affordance part 2, 18th October 2011.
3. Godhelp N , Aesthetics, with the guitar, Tuesday 27th September 2011
4. Claire Fitzpatrick, Affordance, Thursday 13th October 2011.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Participation In Occupation II Blog 13 Work vs Labour

Work Vs Labour:
The affordances material discussed in the previous blogs leads into "work" I believe personally that work is something we do that occupies our time. How I occupy my time with Jewellery Making is convenient and cost effective. I do not class it as Labour, as it is not labour intensive. Work to me means recognition of a culture and history of  which corresponds to working and workmanship. An outcome is formed from this work and the time that was invested.  I feel a sense of satisfaction in engagement and a connection to my chosen activity.
  • "Work is the activity which corresponds to the unnaturalness of human existence, as compared to:
  • Labour is the activity which corresponds to the biological process of the human body " (Arendt,1958).

Craft and the workmanship of certainty and risk: I think this reading relates to how I see the world and it depicts a rhyme/reason scenario, and it evokes a sense of nostalgia, memories and personal meaning to the person doing the work. I find that doing is just as important as being shown how to do an activity, a flow of steps that leads into another step and links to a final product. My mind is clear and focused on the task at hand, I am not in a hurry to finish, but would rather take my time and enjoy the process. As mentioned by Geis, (1987).

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Participation In Occupation II Blog 12 Affordance Continued

Asthetics- A peice of Jewellery must be pleasing to the eye, I believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder (personal quote). Asthetics can mean different thing to individual's, for me it means looking at all of the aspects involved.
Practical Considerations- When I make my jewellery I find that a comfortable, quiet place is where and when I create well. Being practical and considering these common factors is important to me and my way of doing things. My jewellery is influenced by many areas, which include my friends, family, birthdays, and special events. Ambience plays a major part in practicality of an activity. I find my Jewellery turns out well if I have music playing in the background. Internal perception and values as mentioned in the following excerpt shows how meaning can be perceived: "The way to improve the quality of life is not primarily through thinking, but through doing. The issue is not to figure out how to be happy, satisfied, or contented; but to act in ways that will bring about those states of experiences directly" (Christiansen & Baum, 2005).
Culture- As mentioned in Blog 11 Spirituality and culture are closely linked by traditional terms. The culture of Jewellery making has been around for centuries, the Eqyptians wore adornments not just in living but also in death. I find a link to my Maori culture and heritage as knecklaces were worn by the Chiefs to show their authority. In some instances, instead of beads the only accessible commodity was teeth, usually taken from their enemies. Greenstone or (Pounamu) holds significant meaning, especially the Twist as it symbolises eternal life.
Jade Twist
The double and triple twists have a similar meaning but refer more to the joining of two peoples or cultures rather than individuals. They also refer to the three baskets of knowledge

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Participation In Occupation II Blog 11 Affordances

The aim of using a framework such as affordance is to identify an individual’s personal needs and requirements while performing an activity or task analysis. What does my activity of jewellery making mean to me in terms of (needs) an exploration to test a framework in relation to occupation is as follows. 

 Communication – Relationships and interaction between people, places, and environment .  What type of communication is required? This particular activity does not require me to communicate in the verbal sense, for instance, if I was participating in a group situation it would allow me to display a visual/physical way of communicating, (smiling, hand gestures). I believe it is important to engage yourself to the task at hand and by loving what work you do this can create A Connection – Action properties and the relationship of doing, the actions that people do that lead into another action. For example:   This is the green bead that I will use on my earrings, leads and connects my thoughts of  that same bead was a favoured colour of my grandmother’s. As written in the article about Loving Work, it was the colours that she liked doing it for (Book of Readings Art/Craft - On Knitting). Spirituality - My memories are associations of a past event or more recent  participation in an activity. The memory holds a personal meaning to me as an individual. When I am involved in my jewellery making it connects me to a previous time, place, people, and era that gives my existence more meaning.  Ethics - Associated with my activity can be either good or bad, if I make a mistake ethically this is a setback, as I will need to redo it again. If I finish a peice on time this is good as it means I can move onto doing a different item in the time provided.

Participation in Occupation II Blog 10 Ergonomics

Analysis of Activity
“Introduction to Ergonomics in the context of occupation”
So we must ask the question to what extent does the environment dictate an individuals choice in occupations?
Every day is different, we change our clothes, shoes, hairstyle, what we eat, what we think, what we do. One thing stays the same, our need to have order in our day and routines in our daily life. Our immediate environment percieves occupational choices, thus involving ourselves in meaningful occupation . Situations can be determined by our cultural beliefs, ability, motivation, and behaviours.
In the following five-blog posts, I will be covering aspects such as:
·         Ergonomics
·         Affordances
·         Ambience
·         Practical Considerations
The activity I have chosen to share is (Jewellery Making).
As explained by (Stone, 2005, p.95) "The extent to which individuals believe themselves to be capable in specific environmental situations influences occupational choice."
Ergonomics also involves the social environment. This can influence how we do our activity, how we enjoy our activity, and how well we do in our activity. For instance, if the environment supports our chosen activity it can determine whether we decide to continue participating. By looking at adaptation to your environment, activity or you can create how we as humans experience a positive outcome of our chosen activity. The physical environment and state can also impact on task involvement.
Our five senses attune us to our environment that we inhabit, what we:
·         Think
·         Feel
·         Touch
·         Taste
·         Hear
These senses are all important to consider when involving and immersing ourselves in occupation and activity. These five senses can create a good or bad experience of any given situation time or place. We may have a flash back of a past event that evokes a feeling of nostalgia, which in turn gives us a sense of belonging.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Participation in Occupation II Blog 9

Mindfulness in Activity

Crafts – Jewellery Making

The purpose of this blog is to have chosen an activity that is near and dear to us personally, then to analyise what we as humans find so important about this particular activity. What significance it has to us and why we find it therapeutic or relaxing.

I enjoy the alone time, the feeling of making a peice of jewellery for that special occasion or that special somebody. It is not about receiving anything back, it is about creating and being creative. I love the fact that I can change an earing or add to it if I desire. I am able to undo it and start all over again if I may make a mistake or just plain and simple do not like what I have created.
Sparkle, Enjoyment, Creating, Interesting, Gift, Wearable, Feeling of accomplishment, Group work.
Breakdown of the Activity!
This activity has clear steps that can be taught and followed with reasonable ease.   Purchase of materials, hooks, o-rings, a cutting tool, shaping tool.  Decide what sort of earrings you want to make, for example beads, wire or other media.  Make sure you have a tray with compartments and a flat surface to work on, so that the beads do not roll everywhere.  Have a nice environment, plenty of fresh air and good lighting.   Set out the pieces that you want to work with, keep separate from all the other bits. This way you can concentrate on your two earrings.    Have in mind who you want to make them for, this can make creating fun for you. Open an o-ring with fingers or tool, thread through the ring on the earring hook. Thread on beads to your piece of wire, use your shaping tool to make a loop at the end. Thread the loop onto your o-ring.  You can repeat this step 2-3 times depending on how many threads you want hanging from the earring.   Close the o-ring again.   Repeat this process for the second earring. If you are not happy with the result, you can pull apart and start again.
How would you use this activity in an OT setting! This activity could be suitable for any OT intervention, most likely this activity would suit a mental health setting, it provides a chance for those who might not deal well with large groups to have a one on one session if required. The chance for a client to experience a group activity, lead by a therapist who shows them the steps to make an item and then over sees the clients own progress. This activity gives clients freedom to create and focus on a task and has an incentive to make something that comes from the heart. Start with small steps that lead to accomplishing a greater long term.
What it means to me personally! Jewellery making is important to me as it is an outlet for me to create items that I envision in my head. There are no limitations on what you can create, it all depends on what you feel like making at the time. I enjoy the freedom of choice, and using my hands to create something unique. I make an assortment of items which include earings, knecklaces, and the odd ring.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

TUTORIAL EIGHT: Assistive Technology

So What is Assistive Technology?
Is classed as  a product, item, tool or peice of equipment that assists an individual with a disability to perform functional tasks.
According to Vanderheiden, (1987) as cited in (Cook & Hussey, 2005), "a device provides benefits to the individual independant of the individual's skill level"
Assistive Technology covers
  • Assistive vs Rehabilitative or educational
  • Low to high technology
  • Hard and soft technology devices
  • Appliances vs tools
  • Minimal to maximal
  • General vs specific
  • Commercial to custom
Cook, A. M., & Hussey, S. M, (2005). Assistive technologies: Principles and practice. Sacramento, California: Mosby.

One item that was introduced in a recent tutorial on Assistive Technology:
I though that this was a wonderful peice of equipment.
                                     "The Jellybean Switch"
  • Available in different Sizes - Jelly Bean is a robust switch, with 4 interchangable colour tops. Red, blue, green and yellow. The base plate can easily be mounted to many structures. Diameter: 63 mm Activating force: centre 100g, outside edges 50g Connector: 3.5 mm mono plug Lead: 1.8M
  • The cost of this product is - $107.65
  • The functions it performs - It performs patient interface devices that can be used with many existing nurse and emergency call systems and SENSOTROL controllers.
It increases the users capacity to be able to operate devices such as computers, light switches, mouse control- touch switches the You-tube clip shows how this product can be used in numerous ways.
Online sources such as:
Hi everyone, this is my last blog post until further notice so take care out there and think carefully about what you write, what your purpose is when writing them, and select your words well..... Peace out Lisa

    Monday, 18 April 2011

    TUTORIAL SEVEN: Linking to blogs of interest and exchanging comments

    Task One: This is about making a blog feed and choosing 5 blog sites. I have decided to use Google Reader to do this. Occupational Therapy Student blogs were chosen to do this task.

    Task Two: The following is a posted comment on a fellow students blog, along with a reply from them.

    Task Three: The following is a blog communication from a blog post of mine.
    My intent was to show a post from Izabela a fellow student but I had trouble with downloading the snippet tool as I did not have it on my laptop. Technophobe not Technogeek obviously.

    Circa, I. (2011). Retreived April 20, 2011. from:

    Monday, 28 March 2011

    TUTORIAL SIX: - The Internet and Online Communities

    I would like to Introduce my chosen topic of adaptive devices/equipment and the usefulness of these items available for clients within their own home. I will be considering 3 online communities regarding this topic. 

    1.  Description of World-class Assistive Technology Making a World of Difference"High-tech assistive, adaptive and accessibility aids for children and adults with disabilities and special needs..."
    Purpose: This site specializes in computer adaptations and builds custom software solutions for children and adults with disabilities.The services provided on this site are:
    •  Augmentative and alternative communication devices
    •  Computer access equipment
    •  Multilingual speech synthesis and voice recognition software
    •  A great selection of virtual on-screen keyboards
    •  Voice-enabled communication boards 
    •  Cognitive rehabilitation tools adapted to the special needs of the disabled
    How interactive is this site -This site accommodates for a variety of skill levels, ages, capabilities. These include assistive/adaptive technology available for disabled users
    • How can people contribute - The online community and forum gives readers an opportunity to interact and post messages on desired topics of interest regarding.
    • What do they contribute - The site offers quarterly newsletters and information on other sites that have similar. Contributions are made in the forum by way of answer/question methods.

    2. Description of - was founded in 1986, with a mission to develop and market products that provide people with a healthier and more productive way to interact with computers.
    Purpose: We are experts in our industry and specialize in providing our clients with all of their assistive technology and ergonomic product and training.
      How interactive is this site - This site is user friendly, I found it easy to look for the desired areas of interest. A clear website to work in and give your opinions on their blogsite if you wanted to.
    • How can people contribute - People can contribute by There is a live support network, txt site, blog site available to post comments. Receiving emails is also an option.
    • What do they contribute- There is information on the company and catalogues of available products. There are resources on ergonomics and devices suitable for individual users.

    3. Description of Spectronics NZ-   The purpose of this site is to provide a comprehensive range of technologies, activity exchange software programmes, support and training, and equipment trials so clients can choose the right devises for them.
    Purpose: The purpose of this site
    "Spectronics is Australia and New Zealand’s largest supplier of special needs software and assistive technologies. We prefer to think of our range as “inclusive learning technologies”, being those technologies which foster real success and real inclusion in educational or community-based settings. Our team is made up of staff from teaching, speech pathology, occupational therapy, and technical backgrounds, and we work closely with a wide network of professionals and technology users – reflecting our commitment to providing quality support to both education and disability groups throughout Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia". 
    How interactive is this site -  This site offers a wide variety of interactive software sources for people with learning disabilities. It actively promotes assistance fpr those who require speech assist devices for reading, writing, communication, physical, intellectual disabilities to name only a few.
    • How can people contribute - Viewers can interact via training and support network, blog site, online library, travel and events diary, email updates and product reviews, plus many more.
    • What do they contribute- Viewers can interact via looking at answer and facts portal, video and photo footage of a previour conference held in 2010. You can also get an online quote or use their equipment trial scheme. They also offer trials of activities that can be downloaded and used within programs such as Boardmaker, Clicker 5, Communicate: SymWriter and many more.

    Considering why people might visit these sites, it may be for convenience of online shopping or maybe they seek to get others opinions on the reliability of supply or services by the companies concerned. Information is generally reciprocal when blogs are concerned, but may be one way depending on the content discussed. When looking at this type of online content we should consider boundaries and property rights......

    The Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (1967) gives the following list of subject matter protected by intellectual property rights:

    • literary, artistic and scientific works;
    • performances of performing artists, phonograms, and broadcasts;
    • inventions in all fields of human endeavor;
    • scientific discoveries;
    • industrial designs;
    • trademarks, service marks, and commercial names and designations;
    • protection against unfair competition; and
    • “all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields.”
    Ethics plays a big part in online communities and the use of personal information, a good website to refer to for assistance is - which covers Consumer internet privacy and accountability for the quality of content that is being written.


    World-class Assistive Technology Making a World of Difference: Retreived March 18, 2011, from:

    InfoGrip, Assistive Technology Devices and Adaptive Products: Retreived March 24, 2011, from:

    Spectronics Inclusive Learning Technologies: Retreived May 6, 2011, from:  

    Tuesday, 22 March 2011

    TUTORIAL FIVE:- Video Production Sessions Part- Two

    A brief summary of the services offered by UTube are as follows:

    You tube or UTube offers an online source of video footage that is available to the general public. Individual's can post an item of video footage or download a video from this site. The UTube site shares ideas, tips on how to create, sharing knowledge on hobbies, giving personal ideas on things, and even teaching you how to play instruments. If it can be done, then it can be found on UTube. Here is a link that gives you information on UTube and how to download a video from their site.  

    I will now introduce my chosen topic of interest which is related to my fieldwork experience.
     "Adaptive Equipment and aids for independance within the home environment"
    I have five different sources of online video content that I hope will give a good explanation and demonstration of "Adaptive Equipment" I have links available to the

    Mr Swivel is a standing device designed to aid a person who has Muscular Dystrophy and that experience a limited range of movement. It gives the individual with a disbility the choice of how they are transfered and minimal on their joints and body. Persons with a progressive type of the disease normally require carers to help with transfering/transfers.

    The Shower Buddy is designed to help the user have a certain amount of independance and allows carers to perform a minimum of tranfers from bed to wheelchair or wheelchair to toilet and vs versa, this device inceases safety and minimises accidents associated with tranferring clients.
    Sock aid allows client to place a sock on with minimal effort, useful after a hip replacement, or someone experiencing arthritis of the hands. 
    This link covers the why, how and who of assistive technology for disabled users, their rights, impacts, and examples of devices that are available.

    A wonderful video that focuses on devices for children with multiple sclerosis and the like, a big touch pad commonly named a jellybean is linked to interactive toys and or devices to assist learning. It can be used instead of small switches that make it difficult for kids to use equipment and perform tasks.


    How to copy a youtube, Retreived March 22, 2011 from: 

    Mr Swivel, Retreived March 22, 2011, from:

    Shower buddy, Retreived March 22, 2011, from:

    Sock assist, North Coast Medical: Retreived March 24, 2011, from:

    A Special Education Guide to Assistive Technology: Retreived March 24, 2011, from:

    Technology for Children with Disabilities, Alltogether kids, Retreived March 24, 2011, from:

    TUTORIAL FOUR: Video Production Sessions -Part One

    Task One:
    We worked in small groups to plan and produce a 30 second short film.

    Task Two:
    We posted our film to our blogs after editing and adding headings and a Credit page.

    We were provided a short handout/powerpoint to assist us in producing a short film, we were given a camera, video and a tripod. We then worked for a short time on what we were going to do, our description was given to us by the teacher, it was any letter of the alphabet. W e then set upon our short film task......

    It is most important to plan properly otherwise structure will be lacking and the time frame will not be met. This concept applies to Occupational Therapists when filming with clients and completing tasks within a set timeframe. Storyboarding and scripting is essential to achieve a task being finalised. It helps to have a sound working knowledge of devices and how they operate, otherwise schedules will be disrupted.

    TUTORIAL THREE - Blog Creation Tasks

    Task One:
    We followed instructions to set up an account with Blogger

    Task Two: We then followed instructions to complete the following Blog construction tasks.

    Task Three: We started posting content. Our first two posts were taken from the technical description for tutorials one and two.

    Task Four: We uploaded photos from tutorial two onto our flickr account.

    We explored other blogs, looked at creating feeds and hyperlinks to other blogs and organised flickr accounts.

    TUTORIAL TWO: Digital Imaging/Camera Use

    List some of the ways that digital images are stored transfered and manipulated using information technology.
    Technology allows us to capture a moment in time, a special event, and unforgetable memories......... one way in which we can do this is:

    Digital Imaging Hardware
    Consists of storage devices such as cameras, video-camers, computers, flashdrives, flashcards, CD- Rom, USB drives, etc.

    Images are then transfered with photo sharing sites such as facebook, Flickr, Myspace, photos can also be moved around by email, or txt messaging, it just depends on which method you choose and prefer to use. Digital images can be manipulated with various computer software programs, for example Photoshop.

    "A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature" - Briefly discuss this statement in relation to digital camera technology. What would you consider to be some of the "Pluses and Minuses" digital camera technology holds in relation to more traditional film based cameras?


    Monday, 14 March 2011

    TUTORIAL ONE: Information Technology and Ethical Issues

    The following post is concentrated on Technology as an Occupational Therapy Tool, to be able to define Information Techhnology is not as easy as it may seem, but here we go.

    IT Definition:
     "Information Technology," and is pronounced "I.T." It refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. Many companies now have IT departments for managing the computers, networks, and other technical areas of their businesses. IT jobs include computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, Web development, technical support, and many other related occupations. Since we live in the "information age," information technology has become a part of our everyday lives. That means the term "IT," already highly overused, is here to stay (Tech Terms, 2005-2011)

    Own notes, thoughts: 
    Technology, communications, and information is all linked in some way. The online communities that are available to users are both varied and filled with different types of information. The way in which we interpret and use this information is ever changing because of modern development in the computer age. This technology allows therapists to utilize the internet, many portable devices, computer applications and software to assist in client interventions as a therapy tool.
    Having the knowledge and skill base allows us to feel confident and comfortable using IT. I get a little bit nervous when a new device is introduced to me, questions run through my head.... will I be able to work it, do I need it, how lomg will it take me to figure it out. Im sure others feel the same and have had similar experiences with technology and all of it's inadequacies.

    This entry is concerned with the phenomenological approach to interpreting information technology and its social and ethical implications. However, in order to understand the distinctiveness of the phenomenological approach some other possible ways of interpreting this relationship will also be outlined briefly. often about the way information technology is changing or transforming the social domain, and in particular, the ethical domain. This is largely centered around different ways of conceptualizing and interpreting the nature of the information technology and society interrelationship (Introna, 2005).

    Own notes, thoughts:
    Ethical implications may arise when dealing with IT devices and the sharing, capturing and transferring of data. Technology is a wonderful thing when it is used appropriately. Occupational therapist's (OT) need to be aware of lmitations and precautions assoicated with many dangers that the internet and digital devices pose for clients. For example computer gaming can be associated with negative effects such as aggression or additive qualities. In instances like this it is where the judgement and clinical reasoning would kick in to assess risk factors for each individual and IT device.

    Intellectual Property (Definition)
    An Explanation of Intellectual Property Rights as the name indicates, intellectual property refers to some idea or knowledge that is produced from the mind or the intellect. The term includes certain inventions, discoveries, written material and recorded media the holder of which is entitled to various legal entitlements similar to physical property. Intellectual property laws are made to protect these legal rights and entitlements. Copyright, patent, trademark and industrial design right are various forms of intellectual property rights designed to safeguard the interest of its holder. These exclusive rights can be transferred to third parties by way of license and mortgage (Explain Intellectual Property Rights, 2007).

    Own Notes,Thoughts:
    To my thinking Intellectual property in relation to IT and OT practice has signifigance around any legal issues, clients rights, law, copyright, piracy and software piracy issues. Possibly various legal entitlements attached to particular types of information and who has permission to use or print.

    So What Is Social Justice? (Definition)
    Fair and proper administration of laws conforming to the natural law that all persons, irrespective of ethnic origin, gender, possessions, race, religion, etc., are to be treated equally and without prejudice. See also civil rights (Business Dictionary, 2011).

    One definition of justice is "giving to each what he or she is due." The problem is knowing what is "due". Social justice encompasses economic justice. Social justice is the virtue which guides us in creating those organized human interactions we call institutions. In turn, social institutions, when justly organized, provide us with access to what is good for the person, both individually and in our associations with others. Social justice also imposes on each of us a personal responsibility to work with others to design and continually perfect our institutions as tools for personal and social development (Centre For Economic and Social Justice, n.d).

    Own Notes, Thoughts: 
    Fair treatment is something that we all desire and should strive to reflect in our own lives and project to other people. There are many theories relating to social Justice, identity and empathy are involved and come hand in hand, identity creates principles of a moral instinct, and empathy gives a natural law or predisposition to help one another. Evolution of neuroscience technologies suggests that research in pyschology and primatology have involved theorists such as Darwin and links to human nature.
    A study by Miller (2001) and colleagues of the brain disorder frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is also instructive. FTD attacks the frontal lobes and anterior temporal lobes, the site of one’s sense of self. One early symptom of FTD is the loss of empathy (Identity Theory, n.d).

    What is informed consent?
    Informed consent is a legal condition whereby a person can be said to have given consent based upon an appreciation and understanding of the facts and implications of an action.
    Principles of Informed Consent

    It is the right and responsibility of every competent individual to advance his or her own welfare. This right and responsibility is exercised by freely and voluntarily consenting or refusing consent to recommended medical procedures, based on a sufficient knowledge of the benefits, burdens, and risks involved. The ability to give informed consent depends on: 1) adequate disclosure of information; 2) patient freedom of choice; 3) patient comprehension of information; and 4) patient capacity for decision-making. By meeting these four requirements, three necessary conditions are satisfied: 1) that the individual’s decision is voluntary; 2) that this decision is made with an appropriate understanding of the circumstances; and 3) that the patient’s choice is deliberate insofar as the patient has carefully considered all of the expected benefits, burdens, risks and reasonable alternatives. Legally, adequate disclosure includes information concerning the following: 1) diagnosis; 2) nature and purpose of treatment; 3) risks of treatment; and 4) treatment alternatives ( Ascension Health, 2011).

    Own Notes, Thoughts:

    Informed consent can apply to a Occupational Therapists ethical and moral situation when dealing with client information and release of any infomration to other therapists and or family members. Without an informed decision and consent by the client it could be classed as malpractice.


    Tech Terms, IT Information Technology. (2005-2011) Retreived March 13, 2011, from:

    Explain Intellectual Property Rights, (2007). Free Legal Advice Help. Retreived March 14, 2001, from: 
    Social Justice, Definition.(2007). Retrieved March 15, 2011, from: 

    Tuesday, 1 March 2011

    Did You Know?


    This blog is designed to enable students to demonstrate their competence in producing an on-line resource and to understand the application of specific technologies for Occupational Therapy Practice.